OpenUtilities Substation Help

To Create a New Mode

  1. Select the Mode Manager option from the Manage Ribbon to display the Mode Manager.
  2. Select the New button to display the New/Rename Mode dialog.
  3. Enter a name for the new mode.
    Note: This name must include the word Mode at the end (for example, PID Mode ).
  4. Select OK. The name of the new mode will appear in the list of modes on the left side of the Mode Manager dialog.
  5. Select the name of the new mode and follow the instructions for editing an existing mode in order to make text changes for the new mode.
  6. Add a symbol field for the new mode in the parts database (for example, PID_Symbol ). This field will hold the names of symbols that will represent various parts in the new drawing mode.
  7. Use the database Edit function in the Setup dialog to map the new database field to one of the unused User fields.